Engineering Story/Problem
The Way of Life Gardens
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Engineering Story/Problem
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Concerning Comfrey:
I grow comfrey for many reasons. It an extremely hardy, strong and drought tolerant plant that propagates well. It blooms for a significant portion of the growing season and with it's potential medicinal properties, it makes a great pollinator feed. I've even heard comfrey referred to as "the miracle plant. This one shown in the picture is the largest comfrey plant I have and as usual, it's loaded with bees.
Comfrey has a deep taproot system that can bring minerals up from deep underground and grows many large mineral-rich leaves quickly.
I use comfrey mainly as to make a "tea" for fertilizer and I compost a lot of the leaves too. Some people have used comfrey as a poultice to help heal cuts, burns, sprains and even broken bones, but I have no idea how well it works. Some say that it makes a good mineral supplement for certain grazing animals as well. Certain compounds in the plant make it somewhat toxic to humans, so I don't eat it..... much! 😉
Some varieties of comfrey have been notorious for spreading all over the place and taking over, but if you get the variety I have, it is sterile and only propagates by root division. Bocking 14 is the name of the variety I have.
Comfrey wasn't available at any garden stores I visited, but a friend reccomended a local garden nursery. When I went there the first time, an old woman came out of the house and told me she was closed. When I came back the next time, the same woman was outside working and I had to track her down and ask if she had comfrey. She said she had some and led me arond the barn with her shovel in hand. We came up to one large comfrey cluster and she dug out a few sprigs of it with a little bit of roots on the end of them. I wasn't sure if they would be strong enough to make it home, but she was certain that they would be fine.
Well, the plants survived to say the least. They're very easy to care for and grow like no other. I usually cut them 2 or 3 times a year to freshen them up and use the leaves.
Monday, March 20, 2023
What I love most about raised beds...
I was recently asked "What do you love most about raised beds?" There are many great reasons to use raised beds, such as:
Containment of soil
Control over soil mixture
Definition of the garden space
Facilitates square foot gardening
Raised soil height improves accessibility
Reduces the need to walk on the soil
Planning is simpler
I think my favorite thing about raised beds is the organized look of it all.
Here is a picture of my "three sisters" bed from a few years ago. As you can see,I was able to mow the grass right up to the bed and weed whack along the edge for very clean look. That year, I topped the beds with 2 inches of compost that I had bought and it payed huge dividends. "Just looked them beans... and look at that corn!" (as Johnny Cash sang about)
Saturday, March 11, 2023
7 Reasons why I love using my "Earth Machine" composters
7 Reasons why I love using my "Earth Machine" compost machines
1. It's easy
The Earth Machine has a venting lid on top where you load all your raw compost materials. The bulk of materials that I add in are leaves, grass clippings and any other garden waste. A lot of people get into composting to get rid of kitchen scraps, but I have found that kitchen scraps are not nearly enough material to fill one of these bins. They hold approximately one half of a cubic yard of material.
2. Structure
The black PVC construction is a strong, long-lasting material. It retains moisture and attracts solar energy to increase temperature. There are also vents on the side to let an appropriate amount of air into the bin to aid the composting process.
3. Access port
As you may see in the photo below, there is an access port at the bottom. In theory, you can dig the finished compost from the bottom, but I have not had that experience.
4. Compact design
The bin is only about 3 feet in diameter and about 3 feet tall, so it takes up very little space in the yard. The sides taper toward the top to make it easy to lift the bin off the pile.
5. Lightweight
When it comes time to turn the pile, I can simply lift the bin up and off and move it to one side. Then I can turn the pile over, right into the bin again.
6. Efficiency
If I keep these bins full, they can eat up a good portion of my grass clippings from a half acre of lawn. In the time between mowing, You can see how the pile sinks down from the top.