First order of business was to clear it out so I could actually move in there. It was already September and I had to get the place prepped so I could move some perennials in there before the danger of frost. It took me three tanks of gas and lots of string in my weedwacker to get through it all, but it was immediately worth it. Apparently the people who had this plot before me had planted it in the spring and there were tomatoes in the corner that were nice and ripe, so that made a nice treat to reward me for my efforts.
After only a day of weedwacking I had discovered a few surprises. As I was going along, I quickly got a whiff of onions. I looked down and found a plant that I had been curious about, but never bought: Egyptian walking onions. They were everywhere!
Soon thereafter I found a strawberry patch that I uncovered from the jungle of weeds, then an bed of yellow onions. The last thing I noticed was as I was leaving, hanging from the arbor was a bunch of Scarlet runner beans. This was a plant that I had recently learned about. I heard that Bill Mollison had considered these the best bean you could grow.
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