"Early Purple Italian" 21 cloves
"German Extra Hardy" 16 cloves
"German Red" 14 cloves & "Inchelim Red" 21 cloves.
I planted them according to the instructions that Seed Savers Exchange was so kind to include with my purchase. The only guideline that I didn't follow was the time to plant. They said to plant after the first light frost, but I don't know what I am always doing everything single day, so I may have jumped the gun and little. No big deal. It's been getting pretty cool at night and I would not be surprised if we get frost in the next couple weeks.
So, yeah. I had to make room for all this garlic, I had to bite the bullet and rip out my cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. Let's just say it right now, it was a great year for gardening! I got more peppers than I ever remember getting, and I pickled all the hots. I got about 22 pints all together off of 12 plants. Not bad in my book.
I simmered these jalapeño and cherry peppers for 5 minutes ever so slightly that it almost looked like they weren't even bubbling at all. I used a solution of 3 parts vinegar 1 part water and crushed some garlic in there with them. The recipe was from allrecipes.com.
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