It was an outstanding summer, but the low light seasonal blues are coming early this year. As they say, "The higher the high, the lower the low". Everything is slowing down in the garden, gar chard are just kind of sitting there. They're not really growing very much. I should have planted them earlier.
I should look at the bright side though. I was given a whole bunch of houseplants that a friend of the family was getting rid of. Some of them will stay home and some will go to the office. They will keep me somewhat occupied for the winter.
Also, some big news on the home front: I got preliminary approval from my local department of Parks and Recreation to start a community garden! Woot Woot! I very excited about this opportunity, and I want to do it right, so it's a little intimidating, but I just need to keep pushing forward on it.
Instead of blogging here, I should be getting my materials priced out and listed. So, I'm going to cut this short and get going on that. Maybe my next post I can upload some pictures of my designs for the raised beds. I guess I'm not really slowing down for fall after all.
Happy Fall y'all, and compost your own leaves don't put them on the curb!
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