Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Today was a maintenance day.   

As you can see above, I have some seedlings starting to grow in this bed.  From left to right I have spinach, swiss chard, more spinach, mesculin mix and White Icicle radishes.  All of these, I am planning on protecting to keep them over the winter.

Next is the arugula patch.  I may need to thin it out a little bit, and I will attempt over-wintering these as well.  On the bare side, I have some little kale and chard seedlings, but the kale is already getting destroyed by the cabbage worms.  I have some organic approved bug spray, but I am still reluctant to use it. 

Here is my pride and joy of the year!  These "Super Sweet 100" cherry tomatoes did incredibly well this year.  Using the square foot method, I planted 4 plants in 4 square feet and have continuously harvested them since mid July, and there is no end in sight.  I may have to pull them up soon to make room for more garlic and winter crops.

Despite the drought that we have experienced all year, my entire garden has done well with minimal watering.  It was 90 degrees and sunny today.  The only thing the plants are lacking is hours of sunlight at this point.  Last year was El Niño and we had an very mild winter. I am expecting that we may be in store for another crazy year of weather next year as well.

On a side note, I started research on some indoor plants that I can keep at work in low light conditions.  This morning I transplanted a few I'm patients into a small container with hopes to keep it indoors over the winter.  I am also considering a prayer plant, philadendron and maybe some kind of fern.  

Nobody else in my office really has a gardening bone in their bodies,  so I am kind of an outsider in that respect.  Today I brought in a geranium and I immediately got picked on by a coworker.  

"Why did you bring that?"

"I think you brought bugs in with that plant!"

Blah, blah blah!  Whatever.  They will never understand. Gardening is my way of life. 

I find that when I have plants on my desk, it makes the 8 hours in a cubicle more bearable, and they make me actually want to sit there.  That and the small amount of gardening before work also gets me in the right mood to get to work.  

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